We've had more than our fair share of terrible cat issues lately, I feel! almost 2 weeks ago, our Borris got hit by a car out at the road. Thankfully, it clipped his back end and his injuries were fixable. He broke his femur, which is a pretty significant injury - the vet had to put 2 pins down the length of his thigh bone to fix it, which means he's got a whole leg full of staples. The inside of his other leg was also pretty torn up, but he stapled that too. No internal injuries - which is amazing! For a week I felt like I was at the vet almost everyday! he kept pulling out staples, then had to get a cone, which he hated and tried to pull off every chance he got, then he wouldn't go to the bathroom - he could barely stand, and definitely couldn't squat. it was just terrible because you knew he was suffering but couldn't do much to sooth him. I slept on the floor next to him every night. Suddenly, in the past few days, he's made recovery by leaps and bounds - he's getting up on his own, walking about (even on little walks outside!) - it's great to see! His staples will come out on Tuesday and then the dreaded cone will be gone - he'll be a happy guy! It warms my heart to see him acting more normal - he's an amazing cat and i don't know what we'd have done if he didn't make it! I took pictures of him all laid up, but I imagine it's not the way he wants people to see him! soon, he'll be back out in his favorite spot...tracking field mice!
THEN, if you can believe it, we were walking around up near the front of the property, which we haven't done in a while since we've been taking care of Borris every minute, and heard a meow, meow, meow coming from the hill down to the culvert. We've got a bunch of crown vetch there because it's too steep to mow. I said "where are you" (well, first I said "ooh no") and saw a big rustle in the leaves down below and then this guy climbed his way up the hill through the crown vetch and popped out the top! he was super sweet and lovey right away - like he'd been around people, but was super skinny, COVERED in fleas, and had a bum leg. oh, another cat with a messed up leg! but what could we do? you can't just put him back in the ditch!
So i took him to the vet where he was diagnosed with a broken lower leg, but that we probably didn't need to do anything - kittens are pretty resiliant and he'd probably heal up just fine. He does walk on it, he's just all gimpy (i actually thought maybe it was a birth defect, but there are wounds there that are healing) He got some shots, and some blood tests and we took him home and gave him a hell of a bath, then some Revolution to take care of his fleas. He's probably 14 weeks old and now we have yet another kitten!! oy! i've never met a more lovey cat though - he's sweet as sugar and super affectionate! we're still tossing around names...more to come!