Sunday, April 20, 2014

down with brown

when we bought this house, just about everything on the outside was brown (though based on chips in the paint, it's been every color of the rainbow over the years - including pink!)  The eaves needed painting and we wanted to do away with the brown shutters, so this week we painted!  I won't say it was terrible, but I don't want to have to do that again for a while!  Painting surfaces over your head is not fun.  The porch ceiling needed to be painted (overhead) and that took nearly a whole day!  The eaves were the other hard part, but the trim wasn't too bad.  The good part is that we LOVE it and the house seems so much happier and fun now!

The green is called Bold Avocado, but when I look out the kitchen window and can see the porch trim and the grass, it's all the same beautiful color!  It's like we trimmed the house in spring!

Also this weekend, I did a little mediocre carpentry (that's the only kind of carpentry I do - it's adequate for yard stuff!)  We love vines and I have a bunch of seedlings of several types ready to be planted.  I made this vine pyramid for them - it's about 8 ft tall.

Then I found a 2x8x10 in the barn!  I had to rip it down into 4 -2x2's to make the sides, but now I have a 10 foot pyramid too!  I don't have a neat little topper for it yet, but I'll get one the next time I'm at Lowe's!  The fella has requested a shorter one too - maybe 5 or 6 feet.  He's the artistic visionary and will put them out where they'll look cool - I have the patience that he lacks and will do the building!  We saw plans for a cool planter box/bench combo that would be cool around the fire ring - that may be my next project!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like everything is coming together so nicely! We'll have to get together again soon!