I took this week off work and I've been getting some stuff done, let me tell ya! Our main goal was to get the house painted - well, it's brick so we were painting the underside of the eaves, the shutters, the trim, and the ceiling of the back porch - pretty much all of it is overhead work which is just the worst! we're almost finished - this afternoon it will be done and I'll take pictures! But in other finishing news, I finally got the living room curtains finished! yay! it's been a real weight on my shoulders! they're just sooo hard to wrestle - yards and yards of heavy fabric and lining! oy! but they're done and those old lady curtains that were up before can suck it!

Oh, we also painted the living room a month or so ago - no more white walls there. So my plan was to have all the fabrics work together since they're in eyeshot of each other - the living room curtains, the dining room chairs, and the dining room glass door curtains are all from the same Premier fabric line but different colors and patterns. I just love them. We also decided to make the living room curtains shorter than the previous curtains (which went to the floor) just to lighten up the look a little.

In other finishing news, I kitchnered up the toe on my mom's Mother's Day socks last night! whee! I'm glad to have those finished and ready for her!! I didn't want to have to think too much so I used the Go With the Flow pattern from Interweave's Favorite Socks book. I changed the ribbing at the top, but other than that it was a really nice pattern! I've been doing a lot of darning my my socks lately, so I think I need to cast on for some socks for myself! Gosh, I sure hope I have enough sock yarn, HAHAHAH! please...
Oh, this yarn is from Earthly Hues, which unfortunately isn't in existence anymore. She was a lady who dyed and sold her yarn here locally at fiber festivals -- SHE still exists, but she's not selling yarn anymore, I believe. too bad. I bought a bunch of stuff from her years ago and this is the first time I've used it - I really liked it!